Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Jewish People Of My Heritage - 1678 Words

When choosing subjects for this Essay one must look at the personal importance of historical events and choose carefully to embody the choices being considered. Within the subjects that I have chosen for this Essay I am embarking to express my individual opinions and views on the following subjects. We will be going over the seedling of gender equality, the faith of the Jewish people of my heritage, the Greeks impact on architecture and design, the council that made a religion from a man, and lastly a Queen that inspires me to never give up. I want to address firstly one of great significance not only to myself but to women worldwide. It is on the importance concerning equal rights we as women have today thanks to Hatshepsut. Her impact†¦show more content†¦I Jehovah your God will curse all who threaten you and bless the people who are good to you. So, Abram left his home and walked by faith to a land that God showed him and he was seventy-five years old, and Lot his nephew went with him out of Ha’-ran. Back then to uproot and re-locate was unheard of, the roads they traveled were wrought with thieves and criminals. To put it in perspective, think of walking outside of your home with nothing but the clothes on your back, a Rolex watch on your wrist and you are surrounded by thugs and scary characters. Now imagine that scenario but with great boldness and confidence that nothing will harm you. That is the attitude Abraham had when leaving his home at seventy-five years old, he knew God would take care of h im and his family. The faith of the Jewish people stem from stories such as this, their great confidence in their God is awe inspiring and almost mysterious. (Source Number 2.) Onto our next subject, we will look at the Greeks and the influence they have had on Architecture in Western Civilization. A simple observation of the Acropolis and you can see familiar designs and influence in western architecture from the columns to the moldings found in buildings today for example, the White House is filled with columns and moldings imitating Greek design. It’s easy to see why we have adopted the strong yet elegant designs of the Greeks, the designs are sturdyShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Deaf Culture1445 Words   |  6 Pagesof Deaf culture such as â€Å"language, heritage art and history†, I began wondering about how the historical significance of each one impacted the modern choices of Deaf individuals (Holcomb 17). Our textbook Introduction to American Deaf Culture makes references to how important American Sign Language is to define the Deaf community which leaves me wondering how strong the foundation of Deaf culture would be if based on h eritage rather than on language. 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