Friday, January 3, 2020

The Role Of Mentee And The Mentor Recognize Their...

1.Mentoring helps both the mentee and the mentor recognize their abilities and limitations, thus highlighting areas for future development. It helps prompt thought about career development and come to a realistic conclusion about their career potential. It can help increase the motivation of both the mentee and the mentor. The mentee gains a new direction or perspective while the mentor feels a sense of achievement when their mentee succeeds. It will develop communication skills. As well as the obvious listening/questioning skills, we will gain experience of talking to a younger or older colleague. We will be grooming future allies. Within the same company this could help with internal promotion prospects for both the mentee - gaining a†¦show more content†¦There are many benefits to do assignment in-group such as getting different ideas, knowing more about yourself, increased productivity and performance and develop stronger communication skills. Lecturer should allow stude nts to choose themselves for group assignment. Edit entry #1054 Delete entry #1054 Friday, 13th March 2015 Task 6 First, I would like to share why I would like to be Vice-President of the MathSoc first. Here in Greenwich, we are lucky to be studying at one of the finest research institutions in the UK, learning alongside almost one thousand other graduate students and faculty, each extremely talented, highly motivated, and with a breadth of life experiences both extraordinary and unique. I seek this position so that I may employ my experience and skills as a leader to build upon this special experience at Mathematics and address the many challenges that students of unique backgrounds face, from their admission all the way to commencement, and beyond. Although I have been at Greenwich for under a year, I have already engaged in a variety of exciting activities here that prepare me for this position. As VP of MathSoc, I will build upon the already successful line up of events that have happened this past year. To accomplish this goal, I will recruit heavily throughout the year and form a core group of student leaders charged with organizing each major event. In my leisure time I like to surf the internet, create web design by using HTML. As fitness

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