Friday, October 11, 2019

Library System

Chapter I The Problem and Its Background 1. 1 Background of the study The role of the Gordon Heights National High School Library Booking system is to help manage the effectiveness of library services. A Library system can help in creating an organize list of borrowed and returned books. Not every school that have a library has a library system; it is commonly manually operated by the librarian. Meaning the librian manually writes or saves borrowed or returned books in a writing material. Students make use of their library card before they can borrow any books.The librarian proceeds with the process of lending books by the students through the use of library card. The school is planning to switch from a manual system to an automated system so that the files are not all over the place and lessen the time in terms of borrowing and processing of books. Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 1 Vicinity Map Vicinity Map Bernadette F. Tamayo Asst. Schools Division Superintendent Bernadette F. Tamayo Asst. Schools Division Superintendent Organizational Chart DR. Roger L. Nuque ES 1-Mathematics Secondary DR. Roger L. Nuque ES 1-Mathematics SecondaryLourdes G. Gonjoran ES 1- ALS, Private Schools Lourdes G. Gonjoran ES 1- ALS, Private Schools Ricardo E. Ednave ES 1-Values Education Secondary Ricardo E. Ednave ES 1-Values Education Secondary Dr. Roland M. Fronoa ES 1-AP, Music & Arts Secondary Dr. Roland M. Fronoa ES 1-AP, Music & Arts Secondary Daniel P. Miguel ES 1-EPP,TLE, Disaster Preparedness Daniel P. Miguel ES 1-EPP,TLE, Disaster Preparedness Nelson Oliva ES 1-Filipino Secondary Nelson Oliva ES 1-Filipino Secondary Saturnino D. Dumilao ES 1-MAPEH Secondary Saturnino D. Dumilao ES 1-MAPEH SecondaryMarietta G. Abuhin ES 1-TLE Secondary Marietta G. Abuhin ES 1-TLE Secondary Samuel Boqueron ES 1-Science Secondary Samuel Boqueron ES 1-Science Secondary Teresita F. Edquiban Administrative Officer V Teresita F. Edquiban Administrative Officer V Figure 2 Organizational Chart 1. 2 Co nceptual and Theoretical Frameworks Theoretical Framework The Theoretical Framework illustrates the current manual process of the daily transactions of the Gordon Heights National High School Library. First, the student needs to present the book and give the library card to the librarian.The librarian will confirm and manually records and write the book information, date received and date to return in a library slip. The student will receive the book and the library slip. INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT Student gives the library card and the book to the librarian. Student gives the library card and the book to the librarian. Librarian records the information and also writes the book information in a library slip. Librarian records the information and also writes the book information in a library slip. The student receives the book he/she borrowed with the library slip.The student receives the book he/she borrowed with the library slip. The librarian receives the book and returns the library ca rd to the student. The librarian receives the book and returns the library card to the student. The Librarian updates the information and checks if there is any penalty. The Librarian updates the information and checks if there is any penalty. Student/s returns the book he/she borrowed and presents the library slip to the librarian. Student/s returns the book he/she borrowed and presents the library slip to the librarian. Figure 3 Theoretical Framework Conceptual FrameworkThe conceptual Framework illustrates the process of the proposed system. The librarian manages the Library through the system. In the system the student will give the book and the book information to the librarian. The librarian will verify the book if available through the system, if it is available the librarian will take the library card. The student will then receive the book. INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT Book records database is updated and returns the library card. Book records database is updated and returns the lib rary card. Librarian updates the book’s information and the book record.And verify if there is a penalty charge. Librarian updates the book’s information and the book record. And verify if there is a penalty charge. Students return the borrowed book/s and give the library card. Students return the borrowed book/s and give the library card. Librarian lends the book and the information will be save in the database Librarian lends the book and the information will be save in the database Librarian will check student’s information, the book’s information and then she/he will input the information Librarian will check student’s information, the book’s information and then she/he will input the informationStudents borrow the books and present it to the Librarian with their Library card. Students borrow the books and present it to the Librarian with their Library card. Figure 4 Conceptual Framework 1. 3 Statement of the Problem General Since the li brary use a manual system, the work load of the librarian is increased. Manual processing consumes more time and effort. The library needed to be organized and accurate. Specific 1. The said Manual System is time consuming. 2. Frequent loss of data. 3. Duplication of data may occur. 4. No security regarding confidential information. 1. 4 Research Objectives General ObjectivesTo provide a Library Booking System for school library that will provide library functions and lessen work. The objective of the project is to keep information of books such title of the book, name of the book, author and any other important information. Specific Objective 1. To be able to create a system that can fasten the workloads of the librarian. 2. To develop a system that can back-up data to prevent loss of data. 3. To provide an accurate and non-repeatable data with the use of the system. 4. To ensure a more secured system that the librarian can only access. 1. 5 Significance of the ResearchThe benefici aries for the proposed system will consist of the students who are the end users and the librarian as the administrator. The librarian will benefit because the workloads that was time consuming will fasten. Each transaction would not take-up much time. It will also lessen the chances of confusion or data error. With the proposed system, the librian/user can learn basic computer knowledge. Their computer handling skills will be developed by applying it in the proposed system. This proposed system will mostly remove or lessen the manual procedures therefore improving work efficiency and ease of work. . 6 Scope and limitation The objective of this system is to keep information of books such as titles of the books, names, authors and etc. The system also keeps information of borrowed and returned transactions. As our database, we will be using Microsoft Access and will also use Microsoft Visual Basic 2006 as our program language. The system is only accessible to the librarian. 1. 7 Defi nition of Terms Library – a place set apart to contain books, periodicals, and other material for reading, viewing, listening, study, or reference, as a room, set of rooms, or building where books may be read or borrowed.Librarian – A person who is a specialist in library work. System – A set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole. Database – a large amount of information which is stored in a computer. Chapter II Review of Related Studies This chapter includes the review of related literatures gathered during data collection by the researchers. The survey of the related studies is a crucial aspect of the planning of the study. These literatures have been used as basis and guidelines in developing the proposed system. . 1 Related Studies 2. 1. 1 Foreign The University of Chicago Library http://www. lib. uchicago. edu/e/about/factsheet. html As a center of intense intellectual inquiry, the University of Chicago Library share s with the University of Chicago the aspiration to be the most dynamic research and learning environment in the world, supporting the University's commitment to research and teaching in the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and the College and to using its intellectual resources to help solve the world's problems.Forty-five percent of the Library’s collections are non-English and published outside the United States, supporting faculty research with a global impact and making the Library a mecca for international scholars. The Library is a leading advocate of digitization as a method of preservation and has created 50 digitized collections that are accessible online, with items ranging from medieval manuscripts to early editions of Chopin scores to maps of Chicago before and after the Fire.The Library also works with faculty to preserve electronic research data including the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Oriental Institute’s Persepolis Fortification Archive. Ten nessee Electronic Library TEL(n. d. ). Retrieved from: http://tntel. tnsos. org/about. html The Tennessee Electronic Library (TEL) is a virtual library that you can access from your home pc, your school library computer lab, or your iPhone – anywhere with an internet connection.TEL provides access to over 400,000 electronic resources, including magazines, scholarly journals, podcasts, videos, e-books, test preparation materials, federal census records, Tennessee primary source materials etc. All types of not-for-profit libraries participate in TEL and benefit from the wide range of information TEL databases offer, including homework help to new readers, consumer health information, business resources, leisure reading suggestions, current event essays, academic and civil service test preparation help, and genealogy and family history sources.Over 1. 2 million searches are performed each month across the various TEL databases. Since 1999, the Tennessee Electronic Library has be en dedicated to providing equal access to this expansive collection of electronic resources for all Tennesseans. At its inception, the Tennessee Electronic Library provided access to 18 databases that covered a variety of subjects, including humanities, education, business science, current events, art, politics, economics, social sciences, law, health, computers, environmental issues and general interest topics.TEL has grown into a resource of 33 databases supplied by six vendors. In addition to the Gale collection of databases, TEL resources also include EBSCO’s Points of View Reference Center, LearningExpress Library’s test preparation database, NewsBank’s Tennessee Newspaper Collection, the genealogy database HeritageQuest online, and World Book Encyclopedia. CISTI (Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information) http://cisti-icist. nrc-cnrc. gc. ca/eng/ibp/cisti/about/index. tml The Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (common ly NRC-CISTI or simply CISTI) began in 1924 as the library of the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), the leading agency for research and development in Canada. This library took on the role of national science library unofficially in 1957 and became the official National Science Library in 1967. The name CISTI came in 1974 to reflect the wide scope of services provided and the increasing role in the development of electronic information products and services for the science and technology community.NRC Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (NRC-CISTI), as Canada's national science library, provides Canada's research and innovation community with tools and services for accelerated discovery, innovation and commercialization. It is one of the world's major sources for information in all areas of science, technology, engineering and medicine. Moscow University Library http://www. msu. ru/en/info/struct/depts/library. html The Moscow University Library, the o ldest in Russia, was opened in 1755.Mikhail Lomonosov, the founder of the University, saw the Library as a secular institution open to the general public and free for all its patrons. In the XVIII and XIX centuries it was the only free library in Moscow, very popular among the readership. Its patrons enjoyed the wealth of its extensive collections and often donated or bequeathed some valuable books and their private collections to the University Library. Today the role of the Moscow University Library System cannot be overestimated; it is invaluable for educating and training highly qualified specialists.The Library provides Interlibrary Loan service through its contacts with 352 institutions in 55 countries, the major university library systems among them. Being the member of the Russian Library Association, the Moscow University Library is a scientific and methodological center for libraries of other Russian educational institutions. The Moscow University Library System includes a bout 10 million books, 2. 5 million among them in foreign languages; every year the collections are added with about 130, 000 Russian and foreign books and periodicals.The Library is proud of its collection of rare books and manuscripts, including early printed books, early editions of books and periodicals, both Russian and foreign, from XVIII century to the present. The Library Archives hold materials by Russian outstanding scientists and scholars, writers and public figures. The Moscow University Library System currently serves about 65,000 patrons. In 16 different campus buildings there are 20 branches of the circulating library, 63 reading rooms, and a number of reference libraries. The new MSU Main Library Building on Lomonosovsky Prospect was opened in January 2005.In 1990 we started to add the Library’s traditional index card catalog with digitized catalogs. So far we have scanned the Author Catalog covering all the University Library sources acquired from 1755 to 200 5. The electronic catalog covers books and theses from 1990 to date. 2. 1. 2 Local University of the East: Library – Library System http://www. ue. edu. ph/manila/library/main. html The Main Library in Manila is the hub of the entire system of libraries in the campus. It is the largest among the libraries in the system.It has sections for Circulation, Reserve, CCSS Library, Acquisitions, Cataloging, Reference, Filipiniana, and Periodicals, which are housed on the second, third and fourth floors of the POD-CIT Building. The book and serial collections continue to grow and are also being enriched with a growing collection of materials in various media and formats such as CD-ROMs, online databases and access to the Internet. Bibliographic access to the library collections is through the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) terminals available in all the libraries National Library of the Philippines ttp://web. nlp. gov. ph/nlp/ On March 9, 1900, the American Circulating Library wa s established in Manila as a fitting memorial to American servicemen who died in Philippine soil. The Library was organized by Mrs. Charles R. Greenleaf and its first librarian was Nellie Young Egbert. The American Military Governor in the Philippines, by the authority vested in him by the United States Philippine Commission through Public Act No. 96 passed on March 5, 1901, accepted the Circulating Library as a donation of the American Circulating Library Association to the government.Public Law Act No. 1935, provided for the â€Å"the consolidation of all libraries belonging to any branch of the Philippine government for the creation of the Philippine Library†, and for the maintenance of the same, and other purposes. To carry out the provisions of this law, a Library Board was constituted consisting of the Secretary of the Public Instruction, the Secretary of Interior, the Secretary of Finance and Justice, and the other members to be appointed annually by the Governor Gener al.In 1916, The Philippine Library, Division of Archives, Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks of the Executive Bureau and the Law Library of the Philippine assembly were merged into one entity, called the Philippine Library and Museum. Twelve years later, the Philippine Legislature separated the museum from the library. Public Law No. 3477 (1928) established the National Museum under the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources and changed the name of the Philippine Library and Museum to The National Library.Without advancing any reason for the order, the President of the Philippines changed the name of The National Library to Bureau of Public Libraries in accordance with Executive Order No. 94, series 1947. This order was followed by the most important piece of legislation enacted in our country up to the present time in so far as public libraries are concerned; Republic Act No. 411, otherwise known as the Municipal Libraries Law, authored by the then Senator Geronima T. Pecs on. Republic Act No. 3873 passed in 1964 brought back to the Bureau of Public Libraries its old name, The National Library.Currently, the library is known as the National Library of the Philippines (NLP) pursuant to Republic Act No. 10087 enacted in May 13, 2010. The NLP is located at T. M. Kalaw Street, Manila. University of the Philippines Diliman Library System UP Diliman(n. d. ). Retrieved from: http://en. wikipilipinas. org/index. php? title=University_of_the_Philippines_Main_Library The Main Library completes the six pioneering buildings of the campus, and is actually the first to be built as UP transferred from Padre Faura, Manila to Diliman in 1949. Library users now enjoy the benefits of the Computerized Library System employed by the Main Library.The UP Integrated Library System (iLib) a web-based system using Open Source technologies, which integrates all library processes, is accessible, user-friendly and can be remotely managed. A selected committee started developing i Lib on July 15, 200. It was first tested on June 09, 2007 in the library units of UP Diliman, and became fully operational by 11 February 2008. UP Students’ ID serve as their library cards when borrowing from the library. The iLib is now copyrighted, being issued a Certificate of Copyright Registration and Deposit by the NCCA of The National Library on July 16, 2008.Electronic journals and other databases can also be accessed through iLib and OPAC modules. Pangasinan Provincial Library (KOHA-Integrated Library System Online Public Access Catalogue) http://www. pia. gov. ph/news/index. php? article=1941331717775 LINGAYEN, Pangasinan, March 16 (PIA) — The Pangasinan Provincial Library in this capital town implemented the KOHA-Integrated Library System Online Public Access Catalogue to fully automate its library services in the coming months. KOHA is a Maori term which means â€Å"gift† or â€Å"donation† and is believed to be the first open source integrate d library system (ILS) in the world.The ILS, which can be operational even without internet connection, was derived from KOHA. It was developed by Katipo Communications for the Horrowhenua Library in New Zealand and was funded by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The automation project aims to further implement a more versatile library system. Through KOHA, books will be made easier to locate and research studies will be made simpler, as well. â€Å"We have to embrace modern technology,† said Rafael Baraan, the provincial administrator, during the launching ceremony held last March 9. This project is another milestone undertaken by the province that will make life easier, putting Pangasinan in pace and in cadence with the entire world. Going global using cyberspace as the medium of communication is highly commendable. † Edgardo Quiros, National Library of the Philippines (NLP) Information Technology Division Chief, hailed the provincial government for fully embracing modern technology that will serve as a pivotal bridge towards further developing and improving library services in the country. Quiros mentioned that as of December 2011, the Philippines has the most number of KOHA system being adapted in local ibraries with Pangasinan Provincial Library as one of the leading provincial libraries in terms of modernization followed by the Cavite Library. With the advent of modern technology in the library system, youth will benefit in utilizing its services for their research and study. In just a click of a finger, information is made accessible to them. It is also useful to those who wisely spend their parents’ hard-earned money. Instead of going in computer shops, they could just visit the library for their educational needs. 2. 2 SynthesisMany researchers have proven that organizing a library is a difficult task that requires a lot of effort, time and patience to be exerted. The bigger the library, the harder it is to maintain. Specially now, many libraries require more high-technology concern. The researchers were able to conclude that objectives and problems encountered of different schools in the study of related literatures are almost similar to each other. They have begun from manual process to an automated or electronic library system. Some of the schools decided that providing high quality library services are needed.Most of the systems said above are web-based and is the modern way on how to use or easy access to the library wherever you are. Chapter III Research Methodology 3. 1 Introduction The purpose of this chapter is to present the assumptions underpinning this research, as well as to introduce the research strategy and the empirical techniques applied. The chapter defines the scope and limitations of the research design, and situates the research amongst existing research traditions in The Library Booking System. 3. 2 Research Design Methods of Research UsedOur group used Literature Review Method wherein the study is focused on present research trends . It involves the recording, description, analysis and the presentation of the present system. Evaluating the credibility of sources is one of the most difficult aspects, especially with the ease of finding information on the internet. We can say that Chapter 2: Review of Related Studies can also be a Literature Review Method. Because when searching for possible related systems. Learning different types of information regarding the system. We can also think ideas that can greatly helped our system.It is very difficult to judge the credibility of an online paper. The main thing is to structure the internet research as if it were on paper. Bookmark papers, which may be relevant. 3. 3 Data Gathering Tools These are the instruments or tools that were use for gathering data in research used as basis for drawing conclusions or making inferences. Some of these tools are questionnaires, interviews, empirical observations,research and analysis used by the proponents as we conduct the proposed study. These are the only instruments or tools that we used: InterviewOn December 21, 2012 an interview was conducted just before the schools Christmas Break. Our group visited the site for the interview. The data gathering occurred by asking questions for much needed information such as book names,quantity and etc. Research Research is also important for adding any additional information using the internet. By searching different kinds of techniques/codes that can help in the development of the system. Questionnaire A pre-written series of questions used in gathering important information’s from the interviewee. This set of questionnaire was also used in the interview. AnalysisAnalysis is the process of breaking-up the whole study into its constituent parts of the categories according to the specific questions under the statement of the problem. This is to bring out into focus the essential feature of the study. 3. 4 Methods Used in Developing the Software Figure 5: Software Development Cycle Software Planning This software development method designates a plan in which a system analyst must first identify. Identify the meaning, to identify the product goals and requirement of the system. It must be put into consideration the capabilities of the programmer before deciding the product itself.Software Design Design is a visualization of the outcome of a product but then in software design, time is very essential because designing the software takes a long period of time to ensure efficiency, maintainability and reliability of the software. Software Development It can be considered as the most difficult phase because all the raw materials and information’s that were gathered will now be used to create the whole system. Software Implementation The phase of the software development method where software has already been debugged, documented and tested.The ob jective of the implementation phase is to deliver a completely functioning and documented Library Booking System. Software Operation and Maintenance Maintenance keeps the system functional at an acceptable level, correct errors and adapts changes in the new environment to provide new features and benefits. Chapter IV Presentation, System Analysis and Design This chapter presents the data gathered in each study. It consists of results and analysis in the form of figures, tables, graphs and text. 4. 1 System Analysis 4. 1. 1 Presentation of Data 4. 1. 1. 1 Feasibility Study 4. 1. 1. 1. 1 Operational FeasibilityThe Librarian will mainly use the system for record keeping and etc. The Librarian will operate the system from 8 am to 12 pm then 1 pm to 8 from Mondays to Fridays. 4. 1. 1. 1. 2 Technical Feasibility The proposed system will be using any common computer hardware composed of monitor, CPU, keyboard and a mouse. The system will be using the software Microsoft Office. This softwar e was also used for the database of the system. 4. 1. 1. 1. 3 Schedule Feasibility The timeframe of developing the program as well as the completion documents are estimated to be finished within 5 months, starting from November up to March. 4. 1. 1. 1. Economic Feasibility Operating Cost of Existing System Personel Unit| Item| Monthly Cost| Annual Cost| 1| Librarian| P 5,000| P 60,000| Table 1: Existing Personel Operating Cost Total Mothly Cost: P 5,000 Total Annual Cost: P 60,000 Supplies QTY| Unit| Item| Price/Item| Monthly Cost| Annual Cost| 1| Pc| Record Book | P 50| P 50 | P600| 3| Box| Library Card| P 400| P 1200| P14,400| 4| Pc| Ball Pen| P 10| P 40| P 480| 2| Pc| Liquid Eraser| P 35| P 70| P 840| 1| Pc| Memo Pad| P 30| P 30| P 360| 2| Set| Highlighter| P 50| P 100| P 1,200| Table 2: Supply Cost of Existing System Total Mothly Cost: P 1490. 00 Total Annual Cost: P 17,880. 0 Electric Consumption of Existing System Unit| Unit Device| Wattage| kWh| DailyHours| kWd| Monthly Consu mptions| Annual Consumptions| 1| Personal Computer| 425| . 425| 12| 5. 1| 107. 1| 1,285. 2| 1| AVR| 30| 0. 03| 12| 0. 36| 7. 56| 90. 72| 4| Flourescent Lamp| 128| 0. 128| 3| 0. 387| 8. 127| 97. 524| 2| Electrical Fan| 100| 0. 1| 12| 1. 2| 25. 2| 302. 4| Table 3: Electric Consumption of Existing System Conversion: 1 kilowatt = 1,000 watts Monthly Consumptions: kWd * 21 days Annual Consumptions: Monthly Consumptions * 12 months in a year Total Monthly Consumptions: 147. 987 kW Total Annual Consumptions: 1775. 44 kW Electric Cost of Existing System (In Pesos) Item| Monthly Consumptions| Monthly Cost| Annual Consumptions| Annual Cost| Personal Computer| 107. 1| P 738. 99| 1,285. 2| P 8,867. 88| AVR| 7. 56| P 52. 164| 90. 72| P 625. 968| Flourescent Lamp| 8. 127| P 56. 0763| 97. 524| P 672. 9156| Electrical Fan| 25. 2| P 173. 88| 302. 4| P 2,086. 56| Table 4: Electronic Cost of Existing System Rate: 1 kWh = P 6. 90 Monthly Cost: Monthly (kW) X 6. 90 Annual Cost: Annual (kW) X 6. 90 Total Monthly Cost: P 1,021. 1103 Total Annual Cost: P 12,253. 3236 Total Operating Cost of Existing System: P 90,133. 3236 or P 90,133. 32Operating Cost of Proposed System Personel Unit| Item| Monthly Cost| Annual Cost| 1| Librarian| P 5,000| P 60,000| Table 5: Proposed Personel Operating Cost Total Mothly Cost: P 5,000 Total Annual Cost: P 60,000 Supplies QTY| Unit| Item| Price/Item| Monthly Cost| Annual Cost| 1| Catridge| Ink| P 400| P 400| P 4,800| 1| Rim | Bond Paper| P 100| P 100| P1,200| Table 6: Supply Cost of Proposed System Total Mothly Cost: P 500. 00 Total Annual Cost: P 6,000. 00 Electric Consumptions of Proposed System Unit| Unit Device| Wattage| kWh| DailyHours| kWd| Monthly Consumptions| Annual Consumptions| 1| Personal Computer| 425| 0. 425| 12| 5. | 107. 1| 1,285. 2| 1| AVR| 30| 0. 03| 12| 0. 36| 7. 56| 90. 72| 4| Flourescent Lamp| 128| 0. 128| 3| 0. 387| 8. 127| 97. 524| 2| Electrical Fan| 100| 0. 1| 12| 1. 2| 25. 2| 302. 4| 1| Printer| 100| 0. 1| 12| 1. 2| 25. 2| 302. 4| Table 7: Electric Consumptions of Proposed System Conversion: 1 kilowatt = 1,000 watts Monthly Consumptions: kWd * 21 days per month Annual Consumptions: Monthly Consumptions * 12 months in a year Total Monthly Consumptions: 189. 567 kW Total Annual Consumptions: 2274. 804 kW Electronic Cost of Proposed System (In Pesos) Item| Monthly (kW)| Monthly Cost| Annual (kW)| Annual Cost| Personal Computer| 107. | P 738. 99| 1,285. 2| P 8,867. 88| AVR| 7. 56| P 52. 164| 90. 72| P 625. 968| Flourescent Lamp| 8. 127| P 56. 0763| 97. 524| P 672. 9156| Electrical Fan| 25. 2| P 173. 88| 302. 4| P 2,086. 56| Printer| 25. 2| P 173. 88| 302. 4| P 2,086. 56| Table 8: Electric Cost of Proposed System Rate: 1 kW = P 6. 9 Monthly Cost: Monthly (kW) X 6. 90 Annual Cost: Annual (kW) X 6. 90 Total Monthly Cost: P 1,194. 9903 Total Annual Cost: P 14,339. 8836 Total Operating Cost of Proposed System: P 80,339. 8836 or P 80,339. 88 Development Cost QTY| ITEM| PRICE| 1| Programmer| P 5,000| Table 9: Develo pment Cost Total Development Cost: P 5,000Presentation of Values Proposed System Operating Cost: P 80,339. 88 Development Cost: P 5,000 Total Cost of Proposed System: P 85,339. 88 Operating Cost of Existing System Total Operating Cost: P 90,133. 32 Benefits Existing Operational Cost – Proposed Operational Cost : P 90,133. 32 – P 85,339. 88 : P 4,793. 44 Payback Period Development Cost/Benefit : P 5,000/P 4,793. 44 : 1. 04 years Payback Analysis Years| Cost| Cum. Cost| Benefit| Cum. Benefit| 1| P 5,000| P 5,000| P 4,793. 44| P 4,793. 44| 2| P 0| P 0| P 4,793. 44| P 9,586. 88| 3| P 0| P 0| P 4,793. 44| P 14,380. 32| Table 10: Payback Analysis Figure 6 Payback Diagram . 1. 1. 1. 5 Result of the Feasibility Study The Operational Feasibility of the proposed system will provide the information on who can access the proposed system. In this case, the librarian is the one using the system for transactions. The required computer hardware and software that where needed to run th e proposed system was given in the Technical Feasibily The Schedule Feasibility determines the timeframe of finishing the proposed system. It is estimated to be finished within 5 months. The Economic Feasibilt calculates the diffirence between the cost of the Existing and the Proposed Systems. 4. 2 System Design 4. 2. The System Model 4. 2. 1. 1 System Processing Functions (DFD, System Flowchart) 4. 2. 1. 1. 1 DFD of Existing System (Borrow and Return) D1 D1 Library card Library card 1. 1 Input book/s information 1. 1 Input book/s information 1. 2 Borrow book/s 1. 2 Borrow book/s Librarian Librarian Borrower Borrower 1. 3 Record 1. 3 Record D2 Library Slip D2 Library Slip Borrower Borrower Borrower Info Borrower Info Librarian Librarian Book info Book info Book/s and Slip Book/s and Slip D3 Library Slip D3 Library Slip 1. 6 Update Record 1. 6 Update Record 1. 4 Return book/s 1. 4 Return book/s No PenaltyNo Penalty Book/s and Slip Book/s and Slip 1. 7 Compute Penalty 1. 7 Compute Pen alty Librarian Librarian 1. 5 Check for due date 1. 5 Check for due date Borrower Borrower Librarian Librarian Penalty Penalty Figure 7: DFD of Existing System (Borrow and Return) Figure 7: DFD of Existing System (Borrow and Return) DFD of Proposed System (Borrow and Return) 8. 0 Update Record 8. 0 Update Record 5. 0 Return 5. 0 Return Borrower Borrower Goes to Librian Goes to Librian Book/s Book/s 1. 0 Borrow 1. 0 Borrow Borrower Borrower Librarian Librarian 9. 0 Update Record 9. 0 Update Record 7. 0 Penalty 7. 0 Penalty 6. 0 Check Borrowed Book Info 6. Check Borrowed Book Info Librarian Librarian If not If not If past due date If past due date 2. 0 Input Book/s Info 2. 0 Input Book/s Info Librarian Librarian Book Info Book Info 3. 0 Save Information 3. 0 Save Information D1 Book Info D1 Book Info Librarian Librarian Borrower Info Borrower Info Librarian Librarian 4. 0 Update Record 4. 0 Update Record Figure 8: DFD of Proposed (Borrow and Return) Figure 8: DFD of Proposed (Borrow a nd Return) Flowchart of Proposed System (Form Login/Main) N N Is Username and Password correct? Is Username and Password correct? A A Login Form Login Form Enter Username and PasswordEnter Username and Password Start Start Y Y Displays Main Form Displays Main Form Menu = Book List Menu = Book List Menu = Book Acquisition Menu = Book Acquisition A A B B Menu = Security Menu = Security E E Menu = Penalty List Menu = Penalty List F F Menu = Exit Menu = Exit C C Menu = Book Borrow Menu = Book Borrow G G Menu = Book Return Menu = Book Return D D End End Figure 9: Flowchart of Proposed System (Form Login/Main) Figure 9: Flowchart of Proposed System (Form Login/Main) A A Flowchart of Proposed System (Book Acquisition) Flowchart of Proposed System (Book Acquisition) Book Acquisition Form Book Acquisition Form Start StartInput Book Info/Details Input Book Info/Details A A Database Database Change Book Info/Details Change Book Info/Details Y Y Change Book Info/Details? Change Book Info/Detail s? Is the Book Info Complete/Correct? Is the Book Info Complete/Correct? N N N N Delete Book Info? Delete Book Info? N N View Book Details View Book Details Y Y Save Book Info/Details Save Book Info/Details Y Y Search Book Info/Details? Search Book Info/Details? Y Y Database Database Delete Book Details Delete Book Details Database Database N N End End Figure 10: Flowchart of Proposed System (Book Acquisition) Figure 10: Flowchart of Proposed System (Book Acquisition)Flowchart of Proposed System (Security) Flowchart of Proposed System (Security) B B Database Database B B Security Form Security Form Database Database N N Y Y Delete Username Delete Username Y Y N N Change Username Details? Change Username Details? Y Y Search Username Details? Search Username Details? N N Y Y Save Username and Password Save Username and Password Username and PasswordCorrect? Username and PasswordCorrect? Start Start Create Username and Password Create Username and Password Change Username Details Chang e Username Details Delete Username Account? Delete Username Account? View Username Details View Username DetailsDatabase Database End End Figure 11: Flowchart of Proposed System (Security) Figure 11: Flowchart of Proposed System (Security) C C Start Start Flowchart of Proposed System (Borrow) C C Book Borrow Form Book Borrow Form Is the book available? Is the book available? Update Quantity Update Quantity Database Database End End Save student info and book info Save student info and book info N N Borrow Book/s Borrow Book/s Y Y Figure 12: Flowchart of Proposed System (Borrow) Figure 12: Flowchart of Proposed System (Borrow) D D Flowchart of Proposed System (Return) D D Is the return date over due? Is the return date over due? Return Book/sReturn Book/s Start Start Book Return Form Book Return Form Y Y Calcutate Penalty Calcutate Penalty N N Update Record Update Record Database Database Update Quantity Update Quantity End End Figure 13: Flowchart of Proposed System (Return) Figure 13: Flowchart of Proposed System (Return) E E Flowchart of Proposed System (Book List) Book List Form Book List Form E E Show Book Lisit Show Book Lisit End End Start Start Figure 14: Flowchart of Proposed System (Book List) Figure 14: Flowchart of Proposed System (Book List) Flowchart of Proposed System (Penalty List) Flowchart of Proposed System (Penalty List) F F F F Penalty List FormPenalty List Form Start Start Show Penalty List Show Penalty List End End Figure 15: Flowchart of Proposed System (Penalty List) Figure 15: Flowchart of Proposed System (Penalty List) 4. 2. 1. 2 Stored Data (ERD, Data Dictionary) Name Name 4. 2. 1. 2. 1 Entity-Relationship Diagram of Proposed System M M M M Return Return Book/s Book/s Borrower Borrower Author Author Volume No. Volume No. Librarian Librarian Book/s Book/s Year Year Section Section Book Title Book Title Request to borrow Request to borrow Volume No. Volume No. ISBN ISBN Publisher Publisher Author Author M M Book Title Book Title M M Gi ves to Gives to Librarian LibrarianPublisher Publisher ISBN ISBN Gets from Gets from 1 1 Username Username Password Password 1 1 Username Username Password Password M M Check for Penalty Check for Penalty Borrower Borrower 1 1 Pay Penalty Pay Penalty Save Save Librarian Librarian 1 1 Update Update Record Record Record Record 1 1 Figure 16: Entity Relationship Diagram of Proposed System Figure 16: Entity Relationship Diagram of Proposed System Borrower BookTitle BorrowerName BorrowDate Author ISBN Quantity Borrower BookTitle BorrowerName BorrowDate Author ISBN Quantity Database ERD of Proposed System Book BookTitle Author ISBN Volume Number Publisher Quantity Book BookTitleAuthor ISBN Volume Number Publisher Quantity Return BookTitle BorrowerName ReturnDate Author ISBN Quantity Return BookTitle BorrowerName ReturnDate Author ISBN Quantity Figure 17: Database ERD Diagram of the Proposed System Figure 17: Database ERD Diagram of the Proposed System Data Dictionary Login Field Name| Dat a Type| Width| Description| Required| Default value| Remarks| Username| Text| 15| Username| Yes| —| | Password| Text| 15| Password| Yes| —| | Book Acquisition Field Name| Data Type| Width| Description| Required| Default value| Remarks| Book Title| Text| 15| Book Title| Yes| —| | Author| Text| 30| Author| Yes| —| |ISBN| Text | 15| InternationalStandardBook Number| Yes| —| | Volume Number| Int| 15| Volume Number| Yes| —| | Publisher| Text| Publisher| Address| Yes| —| | Quantity| Int| 15| Quantity| Yes| —| | Security Field Name| Data Type| Width| Description| Required| Default value| Remarks| Username| Text| 15| Username| Yes| —| | Password| Text| 15| Password| Yes| —| | Book Borrow Field Name| Data Type| Width| Description| Required| Default value| Remarks| Book Title| Text| 15| Book Title| Yes| —| | Author| Text| 30| Author| Yes| —| |ISBN| Text | 15| InternationalStandardBook Number| Yes| —| | Quantity| Int| 15| Quantity| Yes| —| | Borrower’s Name| Text| 30| Borrower’sName| Yes| —| | Book Return Field Name| Data Type| Width| Description| Required| Default value| Remarks| Book Title| Text| 15| Book Title| Yes| —| | Author| Text| 30| Author| Yes| —| | ISBN| Text | 15| InternationalStandardBook Number| Yes| —| | Quantity| Int| 15| Quantity| Yes| —| | Borrower’s Name| Text| 30| Borrower’sName| Yes| —| | Table 9: Data Dictionary of the Proposed System Table 9: Data Dictionary of the Proposed System 4. 2. 2 Hardware, Software & User Interfaces . 2. 2. 1 Hardware Requirement Specification Hardware| Minimum Requirements| Processor| Intel Pentium 3 or AMD| Memory| 128 mb RAM or higher| Monitor| 800 x 600 Resolution or higher| Printer| Cannon HP Printer or higher| Table 10: Hardware Requirement Specification 4. 2. 2. 2 Software Requirement Specification Software| Minimum Requirements| Operating System| Win dows Vista or any Windows OS| Microsoft Office| Version 2007 or 2010| Table 11: Software Requirement Specification 4. 2. 2. 3 User Interfaces 4. 2. 3 System Back-up and Control Back-ups can be saved to any driver on the user computer.Or the back-up could be even saved using a flash drive and external hard drive, if they it is available. 4. 2. 4 System Implementation and Maintenance The software will be implemented for Gordon Heights National High School. The School Librarian will be the one using the system. Updating and maintaining of the system will be done depending on the changes made on the school library information. Chapter V Conclusion and Recommendation This chapter discusses the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the Software entitled, Computerized Library System for Gordon Heights National High School. . 1 Conclusion Based on the findings, the proponents have successfully developed the proposed system that meets the objective and solves the statement of the problem with regards to the study. The proponents concluded that the Gordon Heights National Highschool Library System is efficient to use based on the results of the study. As a whole, the proposed system and the existing system have a tremendousdistinction. The difference from the traditional to the proposed system is trulybeneficial to the library, librarian and

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